Odoo @profile 性能测试

2019/10/30 odoo

# Odoo @profile 性能测试

# odoo rst 文档

Another profiler can be used to log statistics on a method:

    from odoo.tools.profiler import profile
    def mymethod(...):

The statistics will be displayed into the logs once the method to be analysed is completely reviewed.

    2018-03-28 06:18:23,196 22878 INFO openerp odoo.tools.profiler:
    calls     queries   ms
    project.task ------------------------ /home/odoo/src/odoo/addons/project/models/project.py, 638

    1         0         0.02          @profile
                                      def create(self, vals):
                                          # context: no_log, because subtype already handle this
    1         0         0.01              context = dict(self.env.context, mail_create_nolog=True)

                                          # for default stage
    1         0         0.01              if vals.get('project_id') and not context.get('default_project_id'):
                                              context['default_project_id'] = vals.get('project_id')
                                          # user_id change: update date_assign
    1         0         0.01              if vals.get('user_id'):
                                              vals['date_assign'] = fields.Datetime.now()
                                          # Stage change: Update date_end if folded stage
    1         0         0.0               if vals.get('stage_id'):
    1         108       631.8             task = super(Task, self.with_context(context)).create(vals)
    1         0         0.01              return task

    1         108       631.85

# @profile 用法

# 引入 profile
from odoo.tools.profiler import profile
    # 添加装饰器
    def create(self, vals_list):
<!-- 输出结果 -->
2019-10-30 14:41:29,185 6884 INFO 1029 odoo.tools.profiler:
calls     queries   ms
res.users --------------------------- /opt/odoo/./core/odoo/addons/base/models/res_users.py, 474

1         0         0.02          @api.model_create_multi
                                  def create(self, vals_list):
1         56        313.6             users = super(Users, self).create(vals_list)
3         0         0.04              for user in users:
1         2         9.17                  user.partner_id.write({'company_id': user.company_id.id, 'active': user.active})
1         0         0.0               return users

1         58        322.84